Gum Depigmentation treatment


15 patients who had requested cosmetic therapy for gums with melanin pigmentation underwent diode laser ablation. In all cases, the diode laser system used a continuous contact mode to irradiate the entire surface of each pigmented maxillary and mandibular gingiva that required treatment in a single session.  Patients were examined clinically and digitally, and they were followed up on for three months.


Since none of the cases showed any signs of bleeding one week, one month, or three months after ablation, there was a statistically significant change in the prevalence of bleeding after treatment. The VAS evaluation revealed that only four patients reported mild pain right after the procedure, with  no statistically significant change in the prevalence of swelling. Throughout the remainder of the follow-up period, the patients reported experiencing no pain. When compared to the prevalence of pain during treatment, there was no statistically significant difference. When compared to pain during treatment and immediately after treatment, there was a decrease in cases with mild pain after one week, one month, and three months.

For more information visit to Gum Depigmentation in Islamabad


The use of a diode laser was found to be a safe and effective treatment option for gingival hyperpigmentation patients, with minimal discomfort, within the limitations of this study.

Keywords: hyperpigmentation, melanin, diode laser, gingival hyperpigmentation

Gingival hyperpigmentation is a pigmentation increase that is greater than what is normally expected of the oral mucosa. Hyperpigmentation can be brought on by a variety of physiologic and/or pathologic factors .However, physiologic or ethnic hyperpigmentation is the most common cause. Different ethnic groups have varying degrees of diffuse or multifocal melanin pigmentation, which is the clinical manifestation of physiological hyperpigmentation, which is genetically determined.

Melanin, a brown pigment produced by melanocytes in the basal and supra-basal cell layers of the gingival epithelium, is the most common natural pigment that contributes to endogenous pigmentation of the gingiva .The most pigmented tissue in the oral cavity is the gingiva.

Patients with a gummy smile or excessive gingival display typically complain of a "black gum" and request cosmetic therapy.

Gingival depigmentation is a treatment that removes melanin hyperpigmentation from the gingiva. Additionally, some of these methods are prone to side effects and problems Lasers have recently been used to remove melanin-producing cells from the body. Semiconductor diode ,   These are the most frequently used lasers for gingival de-epithelization. The use of a pulsed diode laser for oral surgery of the tongue and gingiva and the removal of infected epithelium in chronic periodontitis has been the focus of recent research. The advantages of this laser include its ease of reshaping the gingiva, the absence of the need for local anesthesia, excellent hemostasis, minimal thermal damage to the deeper tissues, and negligible discomfort and inflammation following surgery. Furthermore, successful diode laser depigmentation has been documented in recent research.

Estimates of the distribution of hemoglobin and melanin are then obtained through the use of data fitting and estimation methods. The ability to acquire the spectral image cube immediately without losing time to durable signal processing is a benefit of this simplified method. Using both a visual analog scale and digital imaging approach as methods of assessment, the purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical efficacy of a diode laser with a wavelength of 980 nm in treating gingival depigmentation. On the basis of individual subjects, long-term monitoring and direct visual comparison of medical states of oral pathologies can be used. Certain analyses of color properties in images acquired using the proposed acquisition method are possible despite the fact that the colorimetric values of the pixels in the images are in the camera's device-dependent RGB color space. The long-term monitoring of individual subjects' changes in gingival or tooth color could be one such application.


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